The Welfare Charter.
1. To provide a confidential service for the Crew Members and their families if help is required. To respond to any member of the association or their family, who may have fallen on hard times or are struggling to cope. The referral may come from the person themselves or from anyone who may have become aware of a problem.
2. The promotion of charities working in the areas that would most benefit our Crew Members. By covering their activities in the Newsletter and on the Website help members in difficulties who may not want to ask for help from the association to identify other avenues of assistance.
3. Encourage Crew Members participation in the work done by these charities as well as fundraising, so as to balance the taking of their services by those in need with the replenishment of their funds by those more able to contribute. This will be achieved through our various Charity Initiatives in our Website and Newsletter.
Note: All correspondence and enquiries will remain confidential between Individual Crew Members and the Welfare Representative.